Admin of

I can also be found on the microblog fediverse at or on matrix at

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 2nd, 2023


  • The way I see it is the rules exist to improve the experience of the community. They set guidelines to help us achieve that. The rules aren’t the final source of truth though, the quality of the community is.

    So, if you see something that breaks the rules and is pulling the community down in doing so, use the report function, and highlight it.

    If it’s breaking a rule, but not harming the community, then just let it fly.

    I have no interest in enforcing rules for the sake of rules. I see them more as guidelines for fostering a better community, and that’s the lens through which I moderate.

  • I scored the highest tertiary entrance rank in my school without studying a day in my life and had my pick of any university course or career. I went to university, and excelled at exams, but because I had undiagnosed ADHD and had never learned time management, I couldn’t cope with assignments that couldn’t be thrown together at the last minute in my lunch break. I was academically excluded.

    So there was that. Basically, my life has continued to look like some variation of that experience since then :P

  • In Nostr, your relay gets to make and enforce it’s own content policies just as easily as it does on AP

    And yet they don’t.

    If you as a user can connect to multiple relays, then most people will do that, making the act of an admin banning a bigot on one relay pointless, because the bigot will still get through on other relays, and once they’re blocked on enough relays, they’ll just make another throw away account. Which means most admins won’t bother acting except in the most egregious cases, leaving it up to the users to deal with their own blocks.

    I agree, there needs to be an answer here that lets people keep their identities tied to them rather than an instance, but the nostr approach isn’t it. It just leads to everyone for themselves, which is fine for some people, but it’s exactly what many other folk were trying to escape by coming to the fediverse in the first place.

  • In Nostr, each relay can set its own policies. Relays can and do establish policies for acceptable behaviours.

    Sure, but it’s still each relay admin playing whack a mole with bigots as they pop up with new accounts.

    On AP, because identities are tied to instances, the instance admin can kick the bigot and they’re gone for everyone, before many folk ever see it. And if there is an instance with admins that don’t deal with bigots, the admins can defederate from the entire instance.

    Nostr doesn’t give you any of those options. An instance is just a generic relay. No community, no differentiation, no protection for vulnerable folk. Which is fine if your goal is “free speech” but not so good if you’re a member of a vulnerable minority just trying to connect with people/communities without having to be super on guard.

    I left twitter to get away from an environment like that. I’m not going to head back to a federated version of the same thing

    The fact is, hosting online discussion forums gets costly quickly, especially if you want them to be reliable.

    Absolutely. I admin several AP instances, including the one I’m posting from now. We have crowd funding to help, but we are still out of pocket running it, but that’s fine, because the reason we run it is for the whole community aspect I’ve been talking about.

    I have zero interest in paying out of pocket to run a generic relay that will probably end up being used by the very people I’m trying to avoid.

  • In mastodon, your instance can stop you from seeing content from other instances and ban users from other instances. While this moderation might be nice sometimes, I’d rather it be opt-in than mandatory. Nostr relays don’t have this power. Likewise, Mastodon instances can stop their followers from following you. Nostr doesn’t allow this.

    This is exactly why I won’t use Nostr. What you’re describing here isn’t ideal for many folk that are part of marginalised groups. When each individual has to individually block every bigot only after being exposed to their bigotry, then the vulnerable folk don’t hang around. This is doubly the case when there is nothing stopping the bigots from just creating another account after burning their first one.

    One question that fediverse needs to solve is: how are we going to fund hosting costs for instances and more broadly, development?

    This is also something that activitypub communities do better, because they are communities not relays.